Have You Ever Wished You Had More Time?

I think we all have. What we wouldn't give to have an extra 1-2 hours in our day to be able to do the things we claim we have always wanted to do right? Well let me let you in on a little secret, we all have that extra time in our day! I bet you're scratching your head right now in disbelief thinking there is no way that I can reclaim that much time each and every day. I used to struggle with the same mindset but over time have put into practice many systems and strategies that have allowed me to optimize my schedule and increase my productivity exponentially. I want to be able to help YOU do the same and so I have created a program that will teach you exactly how you can reclaim your time too!

Take the time to get everything set up correctly so that it is smooth sailing while you learn the ins and outs of reclaiming your time so that you can become a productivity machine. Go through the welcome emails and video walkthroughs so that you are prepared to move right along each and every week.

What's on Your Schedule?
During this week, we will work together to comb through your schedule and create an action plan. You will be responsible for creating a minute by minute schedule where you will identify repeated activities, time gaps, working hours, standing appointments etc. Then you will send this schedule to my team for analysis while you continue to learn the strategies and systems necessary to start reclaiming your time.

What's Sucking Your Time Away?
After analyzing your schedule, we will learn how to identify time suckers, those things that unknowingly eat away our free time and learn how to put certain stop gaps in place to combat them. You will learn how to use specific tools that will help you redirect your attention, focus your efforts, and get things done instead of wishing you had more time at the end of the day.

Do, Delegate, Delay, Delete
Now that we have a detailed list of the things we have to get done each and every day and have identified the things that suck our time away, we can begin to schedule our weekly tasks so that we start to see that "free time" showing up. Understanding how to optimize the "Do, Delegate, Delay, and Delete" strategy is a game changer and will have you shouting from the rooftops once you master it.

Cultivate a Balance
Who says you can't do it all? Not me! You're at the point where you are starting to gain some traction, implement the strategies I've taught you, and really see that you can in fact reclaim your time. Now it is important to utilize your new found "free time" to strike a balance between work and home. Schedule that afternoon at the spa, start planning your next vacation, or set that dinner date up at the new restaurant you've been dying to visit; the sky is the limit.

You Have Time, Now What?
The purpose of this program is to help you reclaim your time and creativity so that you can thrive in your business and in life. We can only do that though, if we create SMART goals. This week you will learn what a SMART goal is, how to design them effectively, how to plan for execution, and what to do once you've achieved them. What's the point on finding time in your schedule if it's not going to pay off right?

Actionable & Accountable
This week you will focus on finding an accountability partner and taking action on your SMART goals. Goals are more likely to be accomplished if you have someone that is going to hold you accountable for taking the necessary steps to get there. It is important to not only find the right accountability partner but also be clear about what you are going to need from them starting on day 1.

Perfect Practice Moves the Needle Forward
You are now moving into fully implementing your time reclaiming strategies, mastering your daily, weekly, and monthly schedules, and enjoying checking things off of your to do lists each and every day. You've learned to delegate, delete, delay and do in a way that has freed up time for you to pursue those SMART goals we created in Week 5. Now it's time to remain consistent and put all of this into practice so that massive change and growth can occur.

Your Freebies Await You
This week I unlock a set of resources that both the creative, and business minded individual can use to continue moving the needle forward while thriving both in business and in life. As a member you will have access to several different perks and opportunities that can help you generate a new stream of income, guide you in what it looks like to invest in yourself and others plus much more.

What Happens Now?

But Maribel, this is a 6 month program and the modules only take us through 8 weeks. What do we do now? Great question! This program is designed so that you have 7-8 weeks of training but it is critical to remember that you need time to implement the strategies, get feedback on your application and continue to receive coaching throughout this time. Built into this program are

  • Weekly Coaching Calls

  • One on one mentor opportunities

  • Technical or troubleshooting hours

  • Group accountability through chat

  • Guest speaker presentations

  • Targeted training

Your time within the program is going to be full of opportunity and if you implement everything that you are taught you will see it pay off. So, what would you do if you could reclaim 1-2 hours of your time each day? How would that change your life? What will your life look like 6 months from now if you start reclaiming your time today?

Contact Me

Email: maribel@graficallyyours.com

Phone: 1 850 629 9923

Tallahassee, FL

Maribel Sanabria

If you are a busy entrepreneur, founder or CEO looking to reclaim your time and creativity, make sure to dive into the trainings, freebies and resources on this site. I hope you enjoy.

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